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[ORG] Only 2 weeks left in the MISTI-Con 2017 Fundraiser!

From: J.Rosenthal
Sent on: Tuesday, September 15, 2015, 9:02 PM

There are only TWO WEEKS left in our Fundraiser! We recently added some amazing perks!

The first is an amazing series of editorial services by N. Apythia Morges editor at Dark Alley Press. These services are priced at nearly HALF their normal rate just for our fundraiser!

If you are in the process of writing a novel, short story, novela, etc Professional editing can be a tremendous asset!

The next new perk is for Wizard Rock fans. Hawthorn and Holly have put together a set of 3 of their CD's and one of their t-shirts! Only 3 of these sets are available!

Remember, our "Fundraiser" Early Bird registrations include extra's only available during the fundraiser. And our Minister's VIP passes are in limited quantity. Only 15 remain, once they sell out, no more will be available!

Last but not least, we are always looking for sponsors and advertisers. If you or your business/organization is interested in sponsoring a convention that is host to 500 intelligent, well read, creative people please reach out and let us know.


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