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Tomorrow is your last day to register to Vote in The July 31st runoff election.

From: user 1.
Sent on: Sunday, July 1, 2012, 7:20 PM

Would you be surprised to know that only 118 people living in Hometown Kyle actually voted in the Primary election.   That is probably less than 9% of the eligible voters living in HTK.  What's really pathetic is that County wide only about 7% of the registered voters in Hays County turned out to vote in the primary including both Democrats and Republicans.  Is that acceptable to you, to permit <10% of the people to determine your fate for the future.  If you don't vote you have no one to blame but yourself.  You have no excuse for not voting.
If you just moved here it's not to late to register, you can go on line right now to get your registration card but tomorrow is the deadline to register to vote in the runoff.
If you don't know who is running in Hays County you can go on line to the Hays County Government Elections website.

Jim Clements
[address removed]
[address removed]
..."First you get the facts and then you distort them any way you please"...
Mark Twain