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Mondays show

From: Slow P.
Sent on: Sunday, January 11, 2015, 3:29 PM
This Mondays show will feature for your viewing pleasure  Justin Delosh lll
Texas with Republicans leading the way has seen a steady march in the liberalization of it's gun laws since the days of Ann Richards and we will continue to see more  liberalization with Justin Delosh lll leading the way. No matter which side of the issue you come down on you need to hear what he has to say. 

Also for your viewing pleasure  Antonio Buehler 
Talk about controversial. Again no matter which side of the Police Brutality/Accountability issue you come down on this will be worth seeing. 

I really think the whole show will be worth seeing this week has we will have a full crew on board. 
Our host.
Gavino Fernandez Jr  LULAC District 12 Director 

Marilyn Jackson  -  Abundant Joy Travel

The Trailer Park Show broadcasts live Monday night's @ 7 pm. on the computer,  or TV ch10 if you have Time Warner cable Austin. It is a live call in show[masked]2-2255. ? Sometimes.
And yes we still brag about Channel Austin  she a'int perfect, but she's our station, and it could be your's too.  

And don't forget.   This really is one of those under utilized Austin Educational tools. Like Channel Austin a  true asset to the community.  I will just flat out tell you between Channel Austin and Austin Free net it's hard to see how the opportunities to improve your self and and make a impact on your community  could be any easier.  Be sure and click the video.

And your always welcome to go here scroll down to the DONATE  button. We need more PIZZA. Yes it's a hit for $ we need some because we a'int got none. I know I know you don't ether. BUT THIS WEEK A SPECIAL OFFER . Donate today [Or tomorrow][or anytime] and you can help us eat the PIZZA we will buy with your donation. How can you beat that deal folks. Only in the Trailer Park.  

James Ritter  [Slow POKEY]
Trailer Park Show
Precinct Chair 452
Austin Texas 78744

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