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Who's on your list?

From: Dean W.
Sent on: Sunday, September 13, 2015, 3:39 PM
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Who's on your list?
In 2012, Ted Cruz was on our list and he won his race along with two others. In 2014, Dan Patrick was on our list and he won his race along with five others. Who's going to be on the 2016 Texas Top Ten Conservative Challenger Candidate list? That's up to YOU!
As in 2012 and 2014, we are looking for high impact candidates who will advance the cause of freedom and liberty in a big way. Candidates whom you can get behind and who will put forth the effort to win. Candidates who are willing to sign the Patriot Pledge.
Let us know who you want on the 2016 Texas Top Ten Conservative Challenger Candidate list and let's rally behind them on the road to victory.

The mission of New Revolution Now is to Enlighten the electorate to the U.S. and Texas constitutions, founding values and self-evident truths; Empower We the People to defend and preserve liberty and hold government officials accountable; and Engage the public through political and civic action to restore government to its original intent.

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