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What we’re about

TaKeTiNa is a fun and challenging body-mind, group process, for connecting to the innate rhythm all of us possess; and does so in a way that can lead to enhanced levels of awareness, and sensations of deceleration, joy and inner peace.

Voice, feet and hands are engaged to embody rhythm naturally, on multiple layers, simultaneously. The guided experiences engage the body (equilibrium, proprioception) and mind (will-surrender, doing-allowing, presenting-being), and help one to meet ‘the moment’, quiet mind-chatter, and be present, as well as to uncover what might be separating one from rhythm. TaKeTiNa is a learn at-your-own-pace process. Generally it accessible and challenging for all, equally – from those with no musical or rhythm experience, to professional musician or drummer.

TaKeTiNa has been in continuous development for over 40 years by its creator, Reinhard Flatischler, and is led by certified TaKeTiNa teachers. Amy, Colleen and David, in Atlanta, have completed the three year Taketina Basic Teacher Training course, and become certified to lead it.


The full benefit of Taketina is achieved best through experiencing falling in and out of rhythm (i.e. being supported and challenged by rhythm) within a group context, while simultaneously experiencing shifts in individual thoughts, feelings and reactions in relation to the rhythm. Multi-day Taketina workshops are ideal for such experiences.

Now certified TaKeTiNa group process leaders, Amy, Colleen and David intend to have Taketina workshops, from time to time. We encourage you to participate. For more information about workshops, links to local workshop websites will be posted on this site, as workshops are scheduled.

Practice Groups
In between Taketina workshops, each of us, together and/or separately, will continue to have open, free practice sessions. The intention of practice groups is to continue growing our individual skills in facilitating this work. As such, we invite anyone interested in engaging in these practice groups, to join them as they are announced. These practice groups is the specific purpose of this Meetup Group. So join this Meetup to receive announcements and invitations.

For more information about TaKeTiNa in general, see and