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Key help needed on Jan 20th at the Food Forest

From: Kelda L.
Sent on: Monday, January 12, 2015, 7:33 PM
Hello Tacoma Permaculture!

I hope this message finds you well. I'm messaging you because we're not 
sure if we'll have an event, because we need your help, and can use it 

  We have a work crew coming on Jan 20th to the Swan Creek Park Food 
Forest who needs some guidance, and noone from our regular team can 
easily make it. Does anyone want to come in the morning, show folks 
around, lead a workparty (it's more blackberry pulling: easy!). If 
you're a little rusty on our work out there lately you can come to the 
workparty this Sunday the 18th, and get prepped for sharing it with 
others on the 20th. Anyone? We'd be ever so grateful. :)

Feel free to message me back at [address removed]
Thank you!