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line dancing

From: DawnMarie S.
Sent on: Tuesday, August 7, 2007, 10:53 PM
I would like to try and get a meetup together for line dancing at the Waterin' Trough, again, for September.  The beginner nights are Tuesdays and Fridays.  They start @ 7:00 p.m. 
I would also like to try and schedule something for Gunslingers for a Friday night.  I need to know who is interested.  I know that a few people wanted to go back to Gunslingers.  But I need to try and move the meetups around so that dancing is available in different areas.  The Waterin' Trough is in St. Petersburg, past the Wal-Mart on U.S. 19.  It is very easy to find.  I believe that Gunslingers is in Largo.  I have only been there once. 
I would like to try and do this on September 14st, Friday; and, September 28th, Friday.  In that way, I can avoid a conflict with the swing dancing - for the most part.  
I am notifying Jeana and Perry of this potential schedule, so that more people can participate, if they want to.  I would like to get a message out to other organizers, but do not know them.  I know the Gunslingers meetup was a joint meetup and it was a lot of fun.  So.... do what you think is best for your group, but I think a joint venture for 1 or the other potential events would be great! Again, please let me know. 
Please let me know the level of interest in the line dancing.  It is a lot of fun and the beginner nights are really great!
Thanks - Dawn Marie 
P.S.  Randy, I will probably see you Wednesday (tomorrow) at the Gulfport Casino (after my workout at the gym) - and we can put a tentative schedule together for September.  The above dates that I am looking at, I am trying to avoid a conflict with the swing nights; and, of course, are tentative. 
I hope ya'll have a great Wednesday (hump day, ya!) and a great week!