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22 August Activist Tng Re: [townhall-107] American Majority Activist Training

From: user 7.
Sent on: Wednesday, May 20, 2009, 5:16 AM

On May 19, 2009, at 9:28 PM, Don Hensarling wrote:

American Majority holding an Activist Training Seminar in Tampa on August 22, 2009


Set aside your time for this important training. The details will be announced soon. Stay tuned.


Here are some details about the seminar:



Have you ever wanted to get involved, but feel that you lack the training? Are you passionate about certain issues and want to make a difference? Are you fed up with the policies of your local or state governments?

American Majority believes that every citizen can be effective in advancing liberty and holding our public officials and entities accountable when they stray from those principles that have made our nation the most prosperous on the planet. As a result, American Majority created the Activist Training Program. Often held in conjunction with like-minded state-based think tanks and issue advocacy organizations, the Activist Training Program provides activists the tools necessary to become more effective and keep their government officials accountable.


The Activist Training Program is usually held on a weekday evening or on a Saturday.

Among other topics, the Activist Training Program provides information on:

?         How to FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) state and local government bodies.

?         How to build a coalition for a cause.

?         How legislative and executive bodies work.

?         How to utilize new media.

?         Much, much more!

All participants will be given complimentary take-home materials that supplement the training program. In addition, all participants will be provided information on how to continue their training and interact with other liberty-minded individuals through the American Majority Online Community.


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