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New Meetup: Become your Brilliance in 2011 with The Oracle of Initiation!

From: Asher and Wisdom M.
Sent on: Tuesday, December 7, 2010, 7:25 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Albuquerque Tarot Meetup Group!

What: Become your Brilliance in 2011 with The Oracle of Initiation!

When: Saturday, January 15,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Title Wave Book Store
1408 Eubank Blvd NE
Albuquerque, NM 87112

Looking into the New Year we have the powerful ability to choose how we respond to these intense times. Turbulence can become a gift when we learn how to navigate the fierce and fluid energies of a transforming world.

The Oracle of Initiation divination deck emerged directly from artist Melissa Weiss Steele’s own quest to reclaim her brilliance. The deck is designed to support modern-day seekers on their own journeys of transformation. Let The Oracle reveal where you are currently at in your own process of awakening, how to redefine previous struggles as the keys to your unique offerings, and where to focus your passions to bring forth these precious gifts to the collective.

We will be divining with copies of the first edition of this visionary new tool created on the land here in New Mexico. Experience the wild penetrating gaze of the Painted Body images within the deck, as if the ancient petroglyphs have emerged from the cave walls to sit council with you. Come with your curiosity, your courage and your creativity to open to who you may become in these expansive times.

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