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Final Week of CARTOON! Pay What You Can TONIGHT! 5 Chances to experiences AWESOMENESS!

From: user 7.
Sent on: Monday, December 10, 2012, 11:12 AM

Hello Members of The Arts Theater Performance Group!

Have you checked out Youngblood's CARTOON?

From: Youngblood Theatre Company <[address removed]>;
To: <[address removed]>;
Subject: Final Week of CARTOON! Pay What You Can TONIGHT! 5 Chances to experiences AWESOMENESS!
Sent: Mon, Dec 10,[masked]:10:06 PM

We told you what critics have said, but what are audiences saying about CARTOON!?
"What a wonderful show! Well cast, well acted, well written. Would go again if I lived closer to Milwaukee."  - Lynda E.


"Had an awesome time at Cartoon. I think I even had my heart stolen by the Damsel." - Scott M.


"Theme song is hella stuck in my head." - Fly S.


"You've outdone yourself this time." - Nic B.


"It was so much fun!!! It's like my brain exploded all over the stage! (In so many ways!) - Grace L.
BOOMSHAKALAKA! We've transformed our actors and audiences alike for this show!
What are you waiting for? You only have 5 chances let to see the hottest ticket this cold holiday season. And tonight is 
'Pay What You Can'. Tickets are LIMITED and available on a first come, first served basis at the door. Box office opens at 7:30pm tonight!
Tickets are $20 at the door but only $15 online 




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