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Re-scheduling the meetup

From: Bonnie M.
Sent on: Wednesday, March 18, 2015, 9:54 PM


Hello Everyone!


Hope you are all having a fantastic March!   I know I did it has been very busy.   After getting back from my travels.   I have decided to cancel this Sat meetup,  as several of you are not able to make it,  I am also very busy this weekend so it will work best for me as well.  I re-scheduled it for the 4th of April,  also a full moon night !   We will be out by the bon-fire if weather permits.   It has been very nice lately so hopefully it work,  if not we will be in by the fire!   There will be fire!    I plan on brining out my crystals and doing some work with them !


See you soon!

Take care
