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RSVP Please: Veg Dinner Series Meet & Greet Saturday

From: Don R.
Sent on: Thursday, January 10, 2008, 3:16 PM
Hope you can make it. Should be fun!

EARTHSAVE VEG DINNER SERIES, on Saturday, Jan. 12th from 6-9 pm, will host a potluck dinner featuring a special Meet & Greet social event with exercises geared toward helping folks get to know each other better. Attendees will be asked to share with a small group something that inspires them, and to talk about some change they would like to make and perhaps be supported in.

GROUP DISCUSSION: How may Earthsave Baltimore best serve our community as it enters its second decade in Baltimore?
Think about which special projects, services, or activities you would like us to consider taking on. Or perhaps you have an idea or two about how we might improve our monthly dinners and lectures, or our discussion groups, tabling events, or newsletter and email communications. Please think also about how you might possibly contribute to our group efforts.

DINNER GUESTS are asked to bring a dish made without animal products to serve five times the number in their party, along with a donation of $5 ($2 for members). Or you may attend without bringing a dish for a $12 fee ($10 for members). Please give 2 days notice if paying for dinner. Monthly dinner/lecture events are held on the second Saturday at the Learning Center/Yoga Studio of Your Prescription for Health, 10210 S. Dolfield Rd. in Owings Mills. Please RSVP by email or call[masked]. More info is at

MONTHLY VEG MEETUP DISCUSSION GROUPS offer us a chance to gather in more intimate and less formal settings than does the monthly Earthsave potluck dinner/lecture series. Meetups are casual and are held in restaurants over great vegetarian food. Discussions include a variety of topics that support people in making healthier choices in diet and lifestyle. There are two different groups, one vegan and one vegetarian. Both groups welcome anyone who is interested in learning about healthier eating. For details, or to register and let others know you plan to attend, go to, or to We will continue on the topic of how we tend to answer some of the questions that often come up about our lifestyle, and about the ones to which we would like to have a better reply.

VEG MEETUP EMAIL DISCUSSIONS: One of the great benefits of being a Meetup group member is that you don?t have to wait for the group meetings to start a discussion, or to ask for recipes or support. If you are a member of either of the two groups above, you may email the whole group, or selected individuals in that group with a question or interesting topic. Want to know where to buy a certain product? Put your question or request to the group!

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