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New Meetup

From: Mark
Sent on: Friday, July 19, 2013, 1:04 AM
As a Registered Dietitian, I decided to start a Meetup to focus on 
nutrition in a presentation-discuss­ion format.
Meetups are scheduled on the second Tuesday at 7 pm at Mr. Chan's.
There will be social and eating time, but each Meetup will be centered 
on a specific topic.  Our first topic is defining "whole-food 
plant-based nutrition," why it's so important, and the proper place for 
salt, sugar, liquid oils and processed foods in a healthy eating pattern.

Interested folks can RSVP at 

If you have questions, please email me directly at 
[address removed]

A small fee of $5 applies.

Thanks to Don for inspiring me to start this!  I'll still be seeing 
everyone on the third Wednesday as well!

Mark Rifkin

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