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Bridgenorth Walking/Caneoing/Dudmaston Hall (Art Gallery Weekend

From: claire
Sent on: Monday, November 28, 2011, 10:18 PM

Hiya All,


Can only book for two nights now, so should be cheaper.  I suggest that on the Saturday we can either go for a walk or go to the art gallery in dudmaston estate or go into bridgenorth and look around.  Ther eis the option of hiring bikes too.  Then on Sunday pack our things up in the car and head for an afternoon or canoeing.

The only dates that are available are the 18-20th  or the 25-27th May.  It sleeps 17 people so first come first serve.  We can either stay for both meals in the farmhouse or go to a  pub on saturday night for a meal.  Shouldnt be too expensive with only two nights.

Please can you let me know as soon as possible what dates suit and I'll have to go wit the majority.


Thanks  Claire x