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Clojure/West schedule and last week for regular rates

From: Alex M.
Sent on: Tuesday, February 18, 2014, 6:27 AM
The Clojure/West schedule is now available:
- Main:

This Friday (Feb 21) is the last day for regular registration rates ($415) - after that rates go up to $495. This Friday is also the last day to register in the hotel block at the Palace Hotel ($199/night). 

Prior to Clojure/West, training in Clojure (Friday-Sunday), ClojureScript (Saturday), and Datomic (Sunday) is available - see

We are still seeking sponsors for the conference - if you're interested in hiring Clojure devs, this is a great opportunity to get your name out there. More info:

Hope to see you all there!
Alex Miller and Lynn Grogan
[address removed]

List of talks on Mon 3/24 and Tues 3/25:
- Instaparse - Mark Engelberg 
- How Clojure Works: Understanding the Clojure Runtime - Daniel Solano Gómez
- clojure.web/with-security - Aaron Bedra
- Extending leiningen to make it do what you want - Nelson Morris
- Data all the ASTs - Timothy Baldridge
- DevOps Done Right: Room Key's Datomic Deployment in AWS - Vincent Rivellino
- ClojureBridge - Bridget Hillyer
- Apprenticeships - Jennifer Eliuk
- Healthcare "big" Data -from Data Management to Web Apps - Andrew Nguyen
- Predictably Fast Clojure - Zach Tellman
- lein-voom: Projects Want to be Values - Aaron Brooks
- Components: Just Enough Structure - Stuart Sierra
- PigPen: Map-Reduce for Clojure - Matt Bossenbroek
- The Functional Final Frontier - David Nolen
- Targeting Clojure & ClojureScript from a Single Codebase - Chas Emerick
- Loom and Graphs in Clojure - Aysylu Greenberg
- Probe: Program Traces as First Class State - Ian Eslick
- Bring core.typed into your codebase - Ryan Macy
- Building Interactive Query Tools on Datomic - David Greenberg
- cljs All The Things: Full Stack Apps with ClojureScript - Travis Vachon
- Beginner's Luck - Daniel Glauser & Denise Zimmerman
- The Poem as Value - Priyatam Mudivarti
- Web Programming with Hoplon - Alan Dipert & Micha Niskin
- How to grow your own distributed array database - Alice Liang
- Powerful testing with simple-check - Reid Draper
- Wiring Prismatic's API with fnHouse and Coax - Dave Golland

On Wed Mar 26 we will have space available to do what we all love - hacking on Clojure from 9 am - 2 pm! We'll be soliciting specific project ideas for this in a couple weeks. 

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