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Member perks!

From: Judith L.
Sent on: Sunday, March 18, 2012, 11:48 AM
Hi fellow CCVegNet members! has a new feature: perks! People or companies can offer perks 
to our members. Organizers have to approve the perks, of course. "Raw 
Food Betsy", who runs the raw food meetup based in Pismo Beach, has 
offered us free admission to their raw food potluck and movie nights.

To offer a perk or to check out what is offered, go to our website - 
https://www.ccvegn...­ - and scroll down the left column, just past the 
list of sponsors. You will see a little box called "Membership perks".

Is there something you'd be interested in offering our members? Would 
you like to join those potlucks? Here's your chance!

It's a good idea to check on our website from time to time to see what's 

Judy Lautner