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The Grove Presents: Artstoberfest

From: Jay S.
Sent on: Thursday, October 25, 2012, 11:00 AM

Fellow Writers,

Some of our group members, including Robert Wright, Darren Brown, Cherie Narhgang, me, and others, will be reading some of our works at The Grove Presents: Artstoberfest this Saturday.  Along with local writers, Artstoberfest will display works from local photographers, painters, jewelers, musicians, and actors.  Door prizes will be given out and finger food will also be available. 

The event is free, but voluntary donations will be accepted for Abington Art Center.

We'd love to have you in attendence.  Here are the details:

LOCATION: Calvary Presbyterian Church

                   405 N. Easton Road

                   Willow Grove, PA 19090

DATE:  Saturday, October 27th

TIME: 1:30PM - 5:30PM



The event is designed as a gallery so you can attend at your leisure.  The readings will occur at 2:20PM and 3:20PM.

I look forward to seeing you there.

Jay Scharfenberg

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