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Actors Directors and Screenwriters a social event

From: RM W.
Sent on: Friday, October 4, 2013, 3:32 PM

Hey gang I received this e-mail from Grace, this is a really cool event. I am forwarding it to you all if you have time maybe you want to go check this out.




-------- Original message --------
Subject:Re: [writers-1131] Zoto's Critique
From:grace <[address removed]>
To:[address removed]

Good Morning,
I'm writing to you to announce our exciting, 3 day, Philadelphia live event that we hold every year that screens great new horror, fantasy and sci-fi movies, and we like to reach out to like-minded people to come and have a great time mingling with others in a vibrant social event, which includes actors, directors, screenwriters, etc. It's a lot of fun and I'm hoping you'd be able to forward this invitation to your members.
Last year, we reached out this way and the response was awesome. Everyone seemed to want to attend and had a great time, and the event was buzzing with energy. Our ticket prices are only $5 a program, $13 day passes, and $35 VIP passes (all inclusive).
PLUS, we are offering, exclusively to Meetup members, VIP passes for $17 (half price) because we know that Meetups are built by people who love what we love. Things like Star Wars, Halloween, Walking Dead, Star Trek, comicbooks, Lord of the Rings, etc. And that's the type of people we really want at the event. And we offer free giveaways, free refreshments, free DVDs, discounted parking, and more.
So, if you are able to forward this, please simply have your members click on the Meetup tab on our website, insert User Name “meetup” and Password “halloween” (case sensitive), and they will be able to get the VIP pass for half price.
Thanks for your time and I hope to see everyone at the festival. Have a great Halloween!
Princess HorrorTerror Film FestivalOctober 17-19, 2013Philadelphia,

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