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DrupalCamp Fox Valley

From: Jason B.
Sent on: Tuesday, September 10, 2013, 5:42 AM

We are coming up fast on the first ever DrupalCamp Fox Valley! The event will run October 4-6 including an install workshop, business mixer, camp sessions, and we've added a sprint day on Sunday. With just under 3 weeks left to the event we need to wrap up some important planning.

The support of Fox Valley Drupal members will be vital in holding a successful event. If you haven't registered to attend, please check your schedule and register today at We will be reaching out for volunteers in the coming weeks as well.

Friday, October 4th

DrupalCamp Fox Valley Business Social - 3pm - 6pm
Get out of the office early on Friday afternoon and connect your business with a network of Fox Valley web development professionals that provide Drupal related services. This informal gathering will feature a short presentation followed by social networking.

Installation Workshop & Community Orientation 6pm-8pm
If you’re new to Drupal and want to get a jump on what you’ll learn on Saturday, join us for an informal training to get Drupal running on a local web server right on your laptop.
We will cover the basic jargon of Drupal, walk you through, and prepare you for your future in the Drupal community.

Saturday October 5th

Keynote Presentation & Sessions - 9am-5pm
One full day of learning and sharing about the latest developments, trends, and tips for building and running your Drupal projects. There will be sessions for various skill levels and interests, our amazing keynote speaker, and space to start Birds of a Feather (BOF) discussions with like minded attendees. Keynote by Jeff Eaton

After Party - 5pm-??
All good Drupal events need a party! We’ll head upstream to Ballydoyle’s Irish Pub for libations, a bite to eat, and to continue conversations about our favorite Drupal and web development topics.

Sunday October 6th

Drupal Community Sprint
Andrea Soper has offered to organize a Drupal Community Sprint for Sunday. Location and times to be determined and announced shortly.