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New Meetup: The Last Airbender Movie

From: Lexi R.
Sent on: Tuesday, June 29, 2010, 12:40 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Geek Club - South Bay!

What: The Last Airbender Movie

When: Saturday, July 3,[masked]:00 PM

AMC Mercado
3111 Mission College Blvd
Santa Clara, CA 95054

Good call Jennifer! Let's go see The Last Airbender Movie!!

So, I need some input from you guys: I checked online and apparently movie tickets are $14 flipping dollars now!! What??? If we go before noon (10:30am would be the applicable Saturday showing), it's $9. I just put that the event would start at 7pm because meetup made me put a time, but....

Which would you guys prefer? I'll try to go with the majority on this one. I looked up movie times for the AMC Mercado because it seemed pretty central, and it looks like our options are:

1) 10:30am show. Pay $9 for a movie, then those that want to can catch lunch afterwards?

2) 6:45pm show. Pay $14 for a movie, but don't wake up as early. We could maybe hang out and get frozen yogurt/ice cream/dessert afterward.

3) 9:30pm show. We could figure out something to do beforehand if anyone has any ideas... Pay $14 for a movie... someone will need to be in charge of poking me so I don't fall asleep XD

Lemme know and I'll set more details!!

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