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World renowned pianist provided by Johnny's for the Happy Hour group plus food and drink info

From: Cherif
Sent on: Friday, August 5, 2011, 12:38 PM

Johnny's bar has decided to provide us with a world renowned pianist at the happy hour event.  Johnny's is known for their pianist where you can sing along, dance or make requests.  His music will be diverse.  This touch was totally unexpected and was done specially for the happy hour group!  I think you will find it a wonderful experience so please come and enjoy.

The patio is behind the bar and there is an outside door.  You can park directly in the lot across the street or let the valet take your car.  Those two places are the best places to park.  Please give the valet your car if there are no spaces in the lot across the street.  The valet parking is free.  Tipping valet though would be necessary on return of your car.

We are not limited to the patio space.  If you would like to go into the bar and sit and enjoy a cocktail or two please do.  At every event that is outside some people go indoors if too hot etc.  

The food menu was not ready but included stuffed banana peppers, angel hair pasta, pizza etc.  Sheila let me know their will be a board where you will be able to see all the happy hour specials that will be chosen just for us.


The drink menu includes ten different martinis from five to seven dollars, house  chardonnay and house cabernet  at six dollars and domestic beer at three fifty.


Look forwarrd to seeing you there.  cheri

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