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From: Lauren
Sent on: Wednesday, June 25, 2008, 9:53 AM
Hi Dave and Monterey Bay Hiking Meetup Members:

Dave, glad to see you taking care of yourself, it's important to do that to avoid burnout. About other hikes, I have a hike this Saturday in Uvas Canyon Park - details on meetup at 35ish - 65ish Bay Area Hikers, Daytrippers and Playful People - also Friday, July 4th we are going to the parade in Aptos at 10am and then for a hike in Nisene Marks afterwards. Hope you all can join us. Also Elaine who lives in Felton, and is an Assistant Organizer for - San Jose Hiking Meetup - does Castle Rock and other hikes around the Santa Cruz mountains and might be persuaded to lead a Big Basin to the Sea Hike, just email her and ask. I think it might be a bit much for my group so I don't think we'll be doing it. I know - Let's Hike and Maybe Take a Break if we get tired - just did that one and other groups are going to probably do it in tne next couple months. I'll probably do my Golf Club drive to Empire grade hike again and possibly hike through to Wilder Ranch as a one way hike sometime soon too, if any of you are interested in that. I just ordered the Santa Cruz Mountains Trail Book and am going to systematically check off the hikes in that book. Maybe even go alphabetically - What do you say about that?!  Okay... I'm kind of going off the deep end here. LOL. But anyway if am of you are the right demographic and would like to join us for this Saturday, June 28th's hike or Friday, July 4th's hike just sign up.

Best -

Organizer, 35ish - 65ish Bay Area Hikers, Daytrippers and Playful People

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