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What we’re about

Hello there and Welcome!

This group is dedicated to the growing number of people interested in Awakening and Non-Duality.
"Nondual awareness" can be understood as simply knowing peace, love and fulfillment as our ever-present background or nature.

“Non-duality is the recognition that underlying the multiplicity and diversity of experience there is a single, infinite and indivisible reality, whose nature is pure consciousness, from which all objects and selves derive their apparently independent existence. The recognition of this reality is not only the source of lasting happiness within all people; it is the foundation of peace between individuals, communities and nations, and it must be the basis for any sustainable relationship with the environment.”
~Rupert Spira~

"In truth we are not separate from each other or from the world, from the whole earth, the sun, the moon or billions of stars, not separate from the entire universe. Listening silently in quiet wonderment, without knowing anything, there is just one mysteriously palpitating aliveness."
~Toni Packer

"There is a life-force within your soul, seek that life.
There is a gem in the mountain of your body, seek that.
O traveler if you are in search of That
Don't look outside, look inside yourself and seek That."

This group does not associate itself with any particular religion. The only requirement is openness to self-exploration! Not only we will not be practicing any religious rite or ritual, but we will be openly discussing how nondualism has permeated all the major religions, and how it is understood in various schools of thought.
We will be focused on reading, understanding & discussing, being respectful to differences in how cultivating presence and self-inquiry manifest differently in everyone.

Join us for an online discussions on zoom. Please, log in a few minutes early ready for a prompt start. The link will be sent after you RSVP.

Love, Peace and Joy
Lina Luckway

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