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Epicodus: A 4-month coding school (with scholarship for women!)

From: Michael K.
Sent on: Thursday, June 13, 2013, 12:58 PM
Hi Seattle Rubyists! I'm really excited to share with you my school,
Epicodus. It's a four month, forty hour per week, in-person class on
web programming (including, of course, Ruby on Rails) in Portland, OR.
Our next class will be from August to November. Applications close

Women receive a 10% off scholarship!

I think Epicodus has a very special approach to teaching programming.
Here are a couple examples:

* Almost 100% of our classroom time is spent pair programming, so students
spend as much time as possible actually coding and collaborating.
* Students gradually build up their skills from simple web pages, to
using Javascript for interactivity, to writing pure Ruby apps, to
finally building full-stack web apps. They develop a solid
understanding of each layer before they move to the next.
* There's a heavy emphasis on learning how to think like a programmer
by using object-oriented design and test-driven development, and by
learning in two languages, Javascript and Ruby.
* Students finish the class by building real-world applications for
actual clients (more to announce on this soon!).

If you or somebody you know is interested in applying to Epicodus, you
can read more at­dents.html and drop me a line
with any questions.

If you have any questions at all, don't hesitate to be in touch!

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