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New Meetup: French pique-nique

From: Dianne R.
Sent on: Sunday, June 29, 2008, 10:45 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for The West Hartford Groupe de French!

What: French pique-nique

When: July 2,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: Bonjour tout le monde!
Nous avons une autre r?union et vous etes invit? de nous joindre!
O?: Elizabeth Park
Quand: Mercredi le 2 juillet @ 18:00
Pourquoi: Bavarder,regarder les jardins, ecouter la musique

Elizabeth Park has world-famous rose gardens and they are beautiful! We will sit far back from the stage on the left side so that we don't disturb the musicians or people trying to sit quietly listening. The music this evening will be some pop and R&B. I don't know anything about the band, but it will be good because people from our group are wonderful and the park is gorgeous! If it rains, they hold the concert inside the building, but it is too loud in there for conversation. Bring whatever you would like to eat and something to share avec les autres. Priere de RSVP so we will know to look for you! The music goes from 6:30 until 8:00 approximately.
The park is actually in both Hartford and West Hartford on the corner of Prospect Avenue and Asylum Avenue. The gardens are on the West Hartford side. People bring their own blankets and lawn chairs. Parking is allowed all around the park during the concerts.
If you have questions, you can email me by using the "email me" feature on the website. Just please don't reply all to the whole group. Thanks

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