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Open Ostara Ritual / the March Meetup

From: Jae S.
Sent on: Tuesday, March 9, 2010, 11:40 PM
Instead of our standard meetup, this month you are invited to attend an Open Ostara Ritual with Keepers of the Holly Chalice.

Ostara /The Spring Equinox is the time of year when day and night are equal. It is a time to recall the need for balance in all things within and without. Come join the Keepers of the Holly Chalice as we celebrate Ostara and our 26th Anniversary as a coven!

What to bring: Ritual wear if you have it. If not, just come as you are. A feast of 'finger foods' will follow; please feel free to bring a dish (we ask that you take left-overs home with you). Monetary donations are always welcome and help defray the cost of space rental.

Who?s attending: So far, 7-12 from the WPMG, members of Keepers of the Holly Chalice, additional members of the Assembly of the Sacred Wheel, friends and others yet to be made known. Please RSVP so we know how many outlines to print and ritual materials to bring.

RSVP deadline: March 20,[masked]:00 AM
Time: Gather at 1:00, ritual at 1:30PM
Location: New Ark United Church of Christ, 300 E. Main Street, Newark, DE 19711
How to find us: "We will be setting up the space." Ask for Janice

A link to directions can be found here:


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