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What we’re about

Andreas Kuhlmann is CEO of “German Energy-Agency” (dena), Germany’s centre of expertise for energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and intelligent energy systems. His mission is to help Germany's most impressive industry change project of the 21st century: the Energiewende, (literally: "Energy Transition") to success.

Are you into smart energy, e-Mobility, smart home, digitization or any other CO2-positive technology? This is your chance to work with an international operating agency and its leader on a thrilling topic. Create exposure for your ideas, learn about latest opportunities and debates in the energy sector from a key player in the game and make use of a first class energy-policy network.

Energy transition and climate protection are fascinating global projects. They generate multi-billion euro turnover in Germany alone. And they are megatrends of the century. The deciding factor is: What works in the “energy transition Lab Germany”, is bound for international success as well. So stop selling shoes - go Energiewende!

dena’s shareholders are the Federal Republic of Germany and the KfW Group.

More about dena

More about Andreas Kuhlmann