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New Meetup: Dog Days of Summer: a Unique Blind Tasting Experience

From: Katherine M.
Sent on: Wednesday, June 9, 2010, 11:53 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Atlanta Wine Meetup!

What: Dog Days of Summer: a Unique Blind Tasting Experience

When: Saturday, July 10,[masked]:30 PM

Orson's Home
Suwanee, GA 30024

You are cordially invited to a unique Red & White Blind Tasting hosted by Orson Hall, a wine tasting professional who hosts wine tastings in private homes in Atlanta.

Sign up for this event and find out what this unique blind tasting event is all about. You might discover a wine or two that you really like!

The event will be held in Suwanee, at Orson?s home. You will taste his favorite red and white wines in a structured multi-session, multi-table blind tasting providing the opportunity to share wine with most of those in attendance. There will be door prizes for those with the highest scores. Orson will provide the cheeses, crackers with bread and water to cleanse your palate. There will also be a refreshing fruit dish and chocolates at the conclusion of the evening. You will taste, judge and rate a total of 16 different red and white wines.

Your only obligation is to bring an Hors d'oeuvre and arrive on time.

Please sign up only if you are serious about attending as maximum attendance is 20; we must have an exact count a week prior to the tasting. Please keep your RSVP up to date so that no one misses out on this incredible tasting experience!

Directions will be provided by email the week prior to the event for those signed up.

Learn more here:

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