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The Atlanta Wine Meetup Policies - Important; Please Read

From: Orson H.
Sent on: Sunday, November 1, 2015, 10:00 PM

Hello Wine Enthusiasts,

As a member of the Atlanta Wine Meetup, I would like to take a moment to remind you of our important policies. Please take time to read this email that also includes a new policy, effective immediately.

To ensure a positive experience for all of our members, we ask that you observe the following policies:

NO SHOWS: The success of our events depends on everyone effectively managing their RSVPs. Our event hosts and organizers depend on accurate head counts for planning purposes. Also, when you sign up for an event, you are taking a spot no one else can have. If you cannot attend an event you have signed up for, you must change your RSVP prior to the event (or as noted in the event description) to allow someone else to have your spot.

1. If you do not change your RSVP and do not attend, you are considered a NO SHOW.

By signing up for an event, you also have the responsibility to meet the requirements of the event as noted in the event description, e.g., a bottle of wine that meets the minimum requirement ($35, $50, Italian, etc.), a dish that pairs with the wine, an appetizer as stated.

2. If you attend an event and do not meet the minimum requirements as stated in the event description, you are considered a NO SHOW.

If you have three (3) no shows, you will forfeit your membership (more information on the reason for our NO SHOW polices below).

CONSENT: By signing up for our events, you are consenting to having your voice, name and/or likeness (includes photos) used without compensation by The Atlanta Wine Meetup.

I respect you as a member of The Atlanta Wine Meetup. I hope that you feel the same.

Please contact me directly if you have any questions or suggestions. I look forward to meeting you at one of our wine experiences!

Orson Hall
[address removed]

Why a NO SHOW Policy?
NO SHOWS can destroy a group. If a group has too many No Shows at its events, people will eventually stop coming. For example, if you sign up for an event for which 100 people have signed up and only 20 show up, you will be disappointed because it is not the event you signed up for. If no shows continue, you will soon stop coming to that group’s events. Ultimately, the group fails.

No Shows can ruin the group’s relationship with its venues. When we tell a venue 100 people are coming, they staff up, give us discounts based on our numbers and in many cases turn away their other customers because they think 100 people are coming. If only 20 people out of 100 show up, the venue loses money or at least doesn’t make what we promised and will normally not ask us back.

No Shows make it hard to keep organizers. Our organizers are unpaid volunteers who are motivated by bringing enjoyment to our members. No Shows make their task a no-win situation. Would you spend your precious time organizing an event that will be sabotaged by No Shows?

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