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Re: [TheDallasPartyDogs] Dog About Town: Smooching, chipping and more things to do with your pooch

From: Lisa
Sent on: Friday, June 6, 2014, 10:25 AM

Do you have any reccomended training facilities. I just pulled out of Country Acres Kennels with my 6 month old puppy in hand. Reasons are numerous but mainly the trainer Mr. Payne (not sure of his spelling).
I signed him up for classes and finally after the required days of waiting I was then able to see him again. He was found on a line hooked up and scared between 2 large dogs. So I hooked my leash to his training collar and went about our class for the day. As I could tell he was the same dog except for the fact he had 2 extra scrapes on his face and ears. Which concerned me they only thought they told me is that it was the training collar.
My issue and my objective was to keep him from attacking and fighting and being aggressive towards other dogs. So when it occurred on both the first and 2 nd class I did what I was taught by Lisa the manager and trainer of my other dogs. He   never noticed the first episode but he noticed my correction on the 2nd incident right away. Told me I did it wrong and that I corrected to soon. I told him that my objective was and is to stop it at level 2 or as soon as I recognize it. It continued to happen I stuck to my guns and continued to practice all I had learned from Lisa and got all the more frustrated with the trainer.
He also claims I am not loud enough with my commands even though the puppy was following everything I wanted and excepted. I even told him I could really care less about his obedience that is so not his issue it's his behavior I am trying to change. I changed all and went with everything I had learned on my own. Extreme positive reinforcement and popping the leash or getting his attention towards me instead of with the other dogs even the trainer barking out commands at me. one point toward the end of practice he was doing it without even  without a command he would be automatic. Did I get any praise for that no but my dog certainly did.
Another customer who had the golden that had issues with my dog . She was also noticing that my dog was having issues I told her that this was the reason he was here. I also told her that I was planning on withdrawing my puppy till I could discuss it with Lisa.
I have sent her e mails texted her and finally yesterday I walked in she was still not available so I calmly but purposefully removed my puppy from the premises. One of the workers said I needed to pay which I said No I don't and continued. O