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Osho Dynamic Meditation


Osho Dynamic Meditation

See also: (this website is tranlated in english)

from 20 februari '15 every saturday and sunday from 8:00 to 9:15 in The Hub for expats, Vestdijk 25 in Eindhoven

To my delight I can offer the dynamic meditation. This meditation is very liberating and brings you to your power, vitality, originality and joy of life and it cleans everything you have built up to tension, anger and repressed emotions. The meditation is also integrating for all processes you are occupied with, whether it is therapy, changing life circumstances or something new you have just discovered inside yourself.

When you do this meditation in the morning, you feel a freshness and a feeling of renewed vitality, which is wonderful.

It is good to do the meditation several days straight. The first days you will often have much pain in your muscles. That is from the new way of moving, but also because tension is released, which you have carried on for such a long time.

This meditation can bring you in your life energy when you are depressed, can help you to deal better in a natural way with eating problems, can help you to express agression in a good way and to come out of a frozen situation of fear.

It is a good support of therapy, because in the dynamic meditation you can integrate what you have discovered in therapy. This integration happens in a way you cannot imagine beforehand. This is the wisdom of you deep inside. Every time I am again surprised by this... Instructions

The Osho Dynamic Meditation lasts for one hour and consists of five stages.

First stage: 10 minutes
Breathing rapidly in and out through the nose with the emphasis on the outbreath. Let breathing be intense and chaotic. The breath should move deeply into the lungs. Be as fast as you can in your breathing, making sure breathing stays deep. Do this as totally as you possibly can; without tightening up your body. Make sure neck and shoulders stay relaxed. Continue on, until you literally become the breathing, allowing breath to be chaotic (that means not in a steady, predictable way). Once your energy is moving, it will begin to move your body. Allow these body movements to be there, use them to help you build up even more energy. Moving your arms and body in a natural way will help your energy to rise. Feel your energy building up; don't let go during the first stage and never slow down.

Second stage: 10 minutes
Follow your body. Give your body freedom to express whatever is there... EXPLODE!... Let your body take over. Let go of everything that needs to be thrown out. Go totally mad... Sing, scream, laugh, shout, cry, jump, shake, dance, kick and throw yourself around. Hold nothing back, keep your whole body moving. A little acting often helps to get you started. Never allow your mind to interfere with what is happening. Remember to be total with your body.

Third stage: 10 minutes
Leaving your shoulders and neck relaxed, raise both arms as high as you can without locking the elbows. With raised arms, jump up and down shouting the mantra HOO!... HOO!...HOO!... as deeply as possible, coming from the bottom of your belly. Each time you land on the flats of your feet (making sure heels touch the ground), let the sound hammer deep into the sex center. Give all you have, exhaust yourself completely.

Fourth stage: 15 minutes
STOP! Freeze where you are in whatever position you find yourself. Don't arrange the body in any way. A cough, a movement, anything will dissipate the energy flow and the effort will be lost. Be a witness to everything that is happening to you.

Fifth stage: 15 minutes
Celebrate!...with music and dance express whatsoever is there. Carry your aliveness with you throughout the day.

Time:from 5 sept 2015 every saturday and sunday morning 8.00 - 9.15

You can come from 7:40 onwards. The door closes at 7:55. Send a sms, email or Hub message (if you are Hub member) on the day before you come before 21:00. See contact

Charge: € 7,- per morning.

Location: The Hub for expats, Vestdijk 25, 5611 CA Eindhoven. Entrance is the door left from the big window, left from the place where advertisements are hanging).

To bring along:
Loose fitting clothes, small bottle of water, eventually some money for a cup of thee after the meditation (the money for thee is a support for the Hub, which is operating almost without financial resources).

You are most welcome !

Photo of Expats Eindhoven group
Expats Eindhoven
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The Hub Eindhoven
Vestdijk 25 · Eindhoven