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New Meetup: Mafia/Werewolf/Assassin/etc. party game theme @ Legends!

From: Derek
Sent on: Monday, July 19, 2010, 9:20 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The RCAG!

What: Mafia/Werewolf/Assassin/etc. party game theme @ Legends!

When: Saturday, July 24,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Legend Burgers
8775 Baseline Rd
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730

Its all the same basic game, just uses slightly different wording to describe roles. It is quick and simple and can be done on a whim and in addition to any other meetup. It would go great with a movie night, especially if we watch Cry Wolf (a not-so-scary Horror movie) in which a simplified version of the game is a small but important part of the plot.

The game is played by having randomly and secretly assigning a couple players as killers. They tell the narrator who they want to kill while everyone else is "sleeping" and then everyone debates on who they think the murderers are and executes them. In the end, either the murderers survive, or the regular folk. Its great for seeing who the best liars of the group are.

As Andrew mentioned, this should be fun to do while we're at Legends. We'll also dicuss what type of meet-up to do next such as the beach bonfire Justin suggested awhile back. Of course, we'll have lots of other great things to talk about and do. See ya guys there. cool

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