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What we’re about

Tiles And Trails (TAT) is intended to create opportunities to help you engage in an active lifestyle and to connect with others through fun and friendly activities including walks, hikes, Scrabble, Rummikub, bowling, church and community events and other adventures. Membership is open to all adults (18 years old or above) and is mandatory for participation in events.

All organizers or assistant organizers on TAT are volunteers. There is no membership fee. A voluntary donation at each event ($2 per person is suggested) would be appreciated to help cover the website fee, rentals and supplies.

God has blessed us with nature and resources. It is hoped that events associated with this group will provide opportunities to enjoy His providence while reflecting good stewardship as well as safe, responsible and respectable conduct toward all we encounter along the way. To help achieve this, please observe the following General Hiking Information below.

# General Hiking Information

# Attendance

# 1)     Event hosts will update the event page to cancel, either because of the weather or unforeseen circumstances, so please check the event page on the day of the event.

# 2)     Members will be considered for an event if they meet the following requirements:

# a)     There is a picture on your profile by which we can recognize you.

# b)     You have signed the one-time online member waiver.

# 3)     Plan to arrive at least 15 minutes before the scheduled time. Hikes start on time and hike leaders (HLs) won’t wait for late-comers.

# 4)     Update your RSVP if it changes before the event or the deadline, if there is one. We don’t need to know the reason but if you’re inclined to tell, send the HL a private message.

# Choosing the Right Hike

# 1)     Read the write-up on the event in its entirety. Some events may have age restrictions, levels of difficulty that call for specific skill sets, equipment requirements, etc. Please do additional research, if necessary, on the hike and attend only those you are confident to complete and know you can safely enjoy.

# 2)     If you find yourself at the end of the group (unless you are the designated Sweep) on a trail and finding it difficult to keep up with the group pace, the hike is not for you. If this is you, you have some options:

# a)     Join a beginner group, wait to sign up for shorter (8 km or less) hikes or participate only in Part 1 of longer hikes, if the option is available.

# b)     Build up stamina/cardio strength (go to the gym, hike more often with groups that hike slower and shorter distances) before taking on our longer hikes.

# 3)     If you do not recognize your ability or persistently RSVP or attend longer hikes and end up slowing the group down, you will be told, your RSVP on future hikes may be removed and your membership is subject to termination.

# 4)     Here’s a broad guide on how hikes are rated:

# Easy/Beginner

# *Gentle hills along a hard packed trail

# *2 hours/8 km or less

# *Elevation gain less than 800 ft

# *3-3.5 km/hr

# Moderate/Intermediate

# *Steep terrain, rocky, muddy sections, scree, loose gravel

# *3 to 4 hours/8-16 km

# *Elevation gain up to 2,000 ft

# *4-4.5 km/hr

# Difficult/Advance

# *Steep uneven terrain, rocky, muddy sections, scree, loose gravel

# *6+ hours/20+ km

# *Elevation gain >2,000 ft

# *5 km/h

# Attire and Gear

# 1)     Dress in layers appropriately for the weather. Wear sturdy hiking footwear with good ankle support and traction. Bring hiking poles if you have them to help with stability. For winter walks, you will need icers. The Kahtoola Microspikes is recommended.

# 2)     Carry a backpack with the following minimum requirements:

# a)     sufficient fluids (at least 2L for summer hikes)

# b)     snacks for longer hikes.

# c)      first-aid supplies. If you have a medical condition, inform the hike leader before the start of the hike and ensure you have the medical supplies for the condition.

# 3)     Optional (recommended) items in your backpack:

# a)     Whistle

# b)     Compass

# c)      Flashlight

# d)     Pocket Knife

# e)     Toilet paper

# f)       Small trowel

# g)     Hand sanitizer

# h)     Bug spray

# i)       Sunscreen

# j)       Rainwear

# k)      Hat

# l)       Sunglasses


# Hike Safety

# 1)     HLs are volunteers who want to share their knowledge and hiking experiences. They have taken on the responsibility to plan and lead, keep the group safe and together as well as maintaining a fun and enjoyable atmosphere. At the same time, they must look after their own individual safety and well-being just like any other hiker.

# 2)     It can be very stressful for the HL and dangerous for the whole group if hikers disregard common sense rules of safe hiking and/or undermine the HL’s authority. So please follow their leadership and instructions. Respect their authority and be grateful for their servant hearts.

# 3)     The HL maintains the right to refuse participation by attendees who are not properly equipped or attired, with medical condition(s) or exhibit behaviour that threatens the safety and well-being of the group.

# 4)     Use a phone tracking app in case you get separated and/or need to leave the group part-way.

# 5)     We will often not have access to washrooms or portable toilets on trails but the group can stop for bio-breaks during the hike. If you need a bio-break outside of any that are scheduled by the HL, please let the Sweep or HL know so that the group can stop to meet your need.

# 6)     Be willing to volunteer as a "Sweep", the person at the end of the group on the trail who urges hikers to keep up, or a "Post", the person who waits at trail junctions and directs hikers in the direction the HL has taken.

# 7)     Please stay between the HL and the Sweep at all times. If you do get ahead of the group, wait for the HL at all forks or intersections on the trail. The trick to not getting separated from the group is to make sure the hiker ahead of you is always within sight.

# 8)     If you find yourself being the slowest hiker on a hike, hike in the front with the HL to set a pace so that the group is not spread out too much.

# 9)     If you need to leave the group part-way, you are solely responsible for finding your way back to the starting point. Please sign out with the HL.

# 10)  Blow a whistle or inform the HL or Sweep if there is an injury, if someone needs assistance or to stop the group. The whistle codes are:

# One blast = STOP

# Two blasts = COME TO ME

# Three blasts = Help Me. I am in distress!


# Be a Considerate Hiker

# 1)     Be respectful of the environment. Take your garbage (including biodegradable items such as banana peels, apple cores, etc.) and pictures but leave everything else behind.

# 2)     Dogs are not permitted on hikes

# 3)     If you carpooled, remember to compensate the driver. Guideline on the amount:

# a)     30 min (one way) = $5

# b)     60 min (one way) = $10

# c)      >60 min (one way) = Up to the driver

# 4)     Membership is subject to termination if you:

# d)     Have not uploaded a recognizable and current profile picture of yourself

# e)     Repeatedly no-show for events

# f)      No-show for an event with a waiting list

# g)     Attend without RSVP

# h)     Attend without a waiver

# i)       Repeatedly attend hikes beyond your ability and slow the group down

# j)       Exhibit behaviour that is disrespectful and/or detrimental to the interests and safety of the group