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Job Opportunity. Work with me on my phototours - Amsterdam

From: Tim C.
Sent on: Monday, March 7, 2016, 4:07 PM

Hi everyone

I have some big news!!

More group workshops are coming in spring and a job opportunity for somebody to work with me doing my photography tours of Amsterdam.

First of all I want to say hello to all the new members of the group, and also to all the people I haven't seen in quite a while.

Ok, so let me tell you about the job opportunity and then I'll tell you about the forthcoming workshops.


€20 per hour. Plus BTW (vat)

4 years ago I started my photography tours business. Amsterdam Photo Safari. During that time the business has grown, and so has my professional life as a photographer.

So. I would like to offer 2 positions to work as a photography tour guide in Amsterdam.

It is a specialist tour for people interested in photography who are visiting Amsterdam. The groups are very small. Between 1 and 4 people.

You will be leading the tour, teaching photography, and showing the best places in Amsterdam to photograph.

You need to be outgoing and have a strong, likeable personality. This is maybe more important than your photography skills!

It is a casual job. You may do between 2 and 5 tours a week in the peak season.

Since most of my clients are in their 40's and 50's, you will be more suited to this role if you are at least in your late 20's.

There are 2 tours. A day tour and a night tour.

  • The day tour starts at 11am.
  • The night tour time varies due to sunset. It starts 2 hours before sunset (this tours finishes about 11.30pm in end of May and June because of the late sunset).

You certainly don't need to be a pro but you do need to understand digital photography enough to be able to show another person their way around a camera.

To apply for a position please reply to [address removed] and put Amsterdam Photo Safari in the email title.

Company website:


Ok and a mention about the group workshops that will be coming in the Spring.

I will be running workshops in Travel photography, Urban Photography, Night Photography and Rules of Composition.

They will be 2 day workshops on the same weekend (Saturday and Sunday). There will be tasks to complete after the workshop has finished and we will be doing image critiques during and after the workshop has finished.

I will release more info and the dates in about 6 weeks time.

See you very soon
