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New Meetup: The 30K Yuk Yuk Ride. YUK? Yes and if you find words that Rhyme with YuK ?

From: user 9.
Sent on: Thursday, March 11, 2010, 1:39 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Toronto Bike Meetup!

What: The 30K Yuk Yuk Ride. YUK? Yes and if you find words that Rhyme with YuK ?

When: Sunday, March 28,[masked]:00 PM

Where: (A location has not been chosen yet.)

Sunday 30 k Yuk Yuk ride. We will call it the yuk yuk ride not because we will be eating bad food Noooo because we want you to come with your jokes. People who have some good one that make the group laugh will get a prize. Make the group laugh so hard that they beg you to stop? A bigger prize. Guess what kind of prize you will get and you get another prize.

Words that rhyme with Yuk (not that bad word. You can't use that!)
Duck, muck, luck, stuck so we can make a poem, and you get a prize for the best poem like

We were riding one day and heard a duck,
Les road his bike though a pike of muck.

We took pictures of him and bought a lottery ticket too,
We sure had fun on this riding with you.

The poem should have 6 verses but guess what? If you have 10 verses then you will win a ___________?

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