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What we’re about

Transition Jeff Park

Jefferson Park - Portage Park neighbors: Are you interested in issues of sustainability? Are you interested in finding ways to strengthen our community while lessening our impact on the environment? 

Transition Jeff Park is a group forming to explore ways we can do just that.  By building connections within our community and supporting ways to reduce energy, reduce consumption and reduce waste, we can move towards sustainability at a local level.  By sharing resources, skills and experiences we can build stronger connections and a more resilient community.  We might even have some fun doing it!

The Transition Movement is made up of hundreds of creative and vibrant community groups from around the world who are committed to helping their communities become more sustainable and more resilient.  Facing the difficulties of climate change, peak oil and economic instability will present challenges for our communities.  It can also present opportunities for us create home-grown, community-led solutions that build connections, self-reliance and resilience. 

There are many successful Transition initiatives whose experience we can build on.  With a small group of committed and motivated members, we can also create solutions that support the needs of our community.

Some of the kinds of things a Transition Initiative might support include:

  • Resource sharing
  • Skill sharing and people-led training
  • Community gardens and local food production
  • Awareness building
  • Energy reduction / weatherization programs
  • Recycling and waste reduction programs
  • Energy coops
  • Community-owned businesses

Help us invent this new group.  There is room for everyone’s ideas and any contribution.  The initiatives we create will be driven by the passions of those involved.  Some contribute by sharing ideas.  Some create programs and initiatives and lead them to realization.  We have a lot of success to build on and will find ways to support the ideas you bring to the group and to the community.

Join us!