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Please vote for our next meetup

From: Matt P.
Sent on: Friday, October 22, 2010, 2:48 PM
Hi everyone,

Great to see some of you at our fantastic travel bloggers workshop at 1000 Heads HQ. We had a great time and some great talks. If you've yet to rate and review the meetup on the site please do so now as we love to get feedback.

We have 4 potential dates for our next meetup. We would love to know what dates you can make it. Head over to the poll here and cast your votes. Please select as many dates as you can make and we'll announce the date of the next meetup by the end of next week (starting 25th Oct).

Don't forget to tell us about your blog on our message boards here

If you have any blogging debates, technical questions or travel tips you can post them on the message boards too. There are a couple of topics on there for you now so get involved and say hi to the group.

If you've got any Wordpress technical questions you can also send a tweet to and we'll try and answer your questions.

Looking forward to meeting you all at our next meetup! Happy travel blogging!

Kind regards,
Matt Preston

Travel With A Mate

Make the most of your Wordpress travel blog with our Ebook

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