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New Meetup: Cherry Festival Ride

From: Mappz
Sent on: Tuesday, April 13, 2010, 6:42 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Trinity Road Riders of Portland!

What: Cherry Festival Ride

When: Saturday, April 24,[masked]:00 AM

Home Town Buffet
10452 SE Washington St Mall 205 area
Portland, OR 97216

Come join us for the Cherry Festival Ride and Parade in The Dalles, Oregon!! We will leave Home Town Buffet/Mall 205 at 8am for The Dalles. The parade starts at 11am. We will ride with about 500 other bikes through town, then regroup at K-Mart for a nice leisurely ride back to Portland. This is a teddy bear ride for the kids at The Dalles Hospital, so bring a stuffed animal for entry. This is a great ride and a good cause! We should be back in the Portland area by 4pm.

Learn more here:

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