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Miss Czech Slovak US

From: MaryElizabeth L.
Sent on: Wednesday, May 6, 2009, 10:22 PM

The Miss Czech Slovak US organization is searching for a contestant to represent your great state! Contestants compete for almost $10,000 in cash and prizes including a trip to the Czech or Slovak Republic. For over 22 years the Miss Czech Slovak US pageant has created excellent ambassadors to help preserve the Czech and Slovak heritage, in the United States. Contestants must be age 16-26, single woman, of Czech or Slovak decent and able to travel to Wilber, Nebraska July 31-Aug. 1
The deadline for application is less than a month away, June 1, 2009! For complete rules and regulations please see our website
If you are interested, or know someone who would be an excellent contestant please don't hesitate to contact myself at [address removed]  
Thank you,
MaryElizabeth Lackey
Pageant Director