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Plant Pure Nation - wow, movie screening w/ Q&A

From: steve h.
Sent on: Thursday, July 30, 2015, 1:23 AM

Hi Everybody,

I borrowed the below announcement for the showing of PlantPure Nation from Von, who is the organizer for the meet-up Daytime Plant Based Potlucks.

"Hi guys, you asked us to keep you updated on Plant Pure Nation, the new movie from the makers of Forks Over Knives. Movie trailer here.


The documentary film PlantPure Nation tells the story of three people on a quest to spread the message of one of the most important health breakthroughs of all time. After renowned nutritional scientist and bestselling author T. Colin Campbell (The China Study) gives a stirring speech on the floor of the Kentucky House of Representatives, his son, Nelson, and Kentucky State Representative Tom Riner work together to propose a pilot program documenting the health benefits of a plant-based diet. Once the legislation goes into Committee, agribusiness lobbyists kill the plan. Undeterred, Nelson decides to try his own pilot project in his hometown of Mebane, North Carolina.


Please attend one of the screenings if you can.
Chapel Hill, NC:

Thursday August 13th

Regal Timberlyne 6 (Q & A To Follow). 120 Banks Dr. Chapel Hill, NC 27514. This one is going to be great because Nelson Campbell (Movie director and Dr. Campbell's son is going to introduce the movie)

Here's the link to the Chapel Hill Facebook event:


Thursday September 1st. Carmike 15.

5501 Atlantic Springs Rd. Raleigh, NC 27616.

The link to the Raleigh event:"

I'll check into ticketing info and let you know as it becomes available.

I'd also like to schedule both showings as meet-ups, giving us an opportunity to meet beforehand.
