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What we’re about

There are a lot of GLBT groups out there that cover a wide range of interests. Triangle Q FMT  focuses on restaurants, live music, movies and theatre in the area. A great way to try new things while meeting new and diverse members of the GLBT community in a comfortable, safe ans welcoming setting.

FMT meets Bi-weekly on Tuesday's to try new places to eat in the area, cuisine will vary. Meetups could occur more often depending on events and suggestions.

Movie meetups occur Bi-weekly on Sunday's, everything from the latest mainstream release, to the low buget independent showing at a small theater.

Music meetups will occur as interest and musical acts allow. Know of an act that you want to see, let us know and we will put it on the calender.

Theatre meetups will occur as interest and shows allow. DPAC, Raleigh Little Theatre and the Memorial Auditorium are just a few locations where metups could occur.

This group is for the GLBT community as well as supporters and friends of the community. While this is a "GLBT" group, we do not discriminate against anyone who likes to hang out and have a good time. We are all about meeting new and diverse groups so crossposting between groups is strongly encouraged.