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What we’re about

“I want to point out to adults that there is a world of good material available to you now in comic form - in this medium - and learn to give it your support because the more you support it, the better the material will be as it comes out.” - Will Eisner, legendary comics creator and "champion of the graphic novel"

This is not your mother's book club (unless your mom is totally cool)!  For those mature readers who take their sequential art seriously, the True Believers Graphic Novel Book Club is for you. Rather than read and discuss the latest six issues of Spider-Man slapped into softcover (i.e., a trade paperback), the goal of our group is to read and discuss legitimate works of literature that just so happen to be told with the unique combination of words and pictures that is the graphic novel (consider Watchmen a preeminent example).  Expect exciting and intellectual conversation but don't be afraid the group will be too highbrow -- "superheroes" will still be on the menu, but there are multiverses of stories to be explored and we shall explore them all together.

The group organizer and moderator is Bob Chasteen, a recovering English major with seven plus years of comic retail experience and a lifelong passion for comics and all things sequentially artistic.

But enough about the group - let's talk comics!!!