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Meetup details changed: Tucson Photography Meetup Group - Main Meetup

From: Roger DiFiore (Roger D.
Sent on: Tuesday, July 17, 2012, 3:06 PM

I've updated this Meetup.

**ADDED This Months Challenge: "Moving Too Fast, lets see it!"  chosen by our winners Norwood Hazard and Bill Grinonnear.  Things normally in motion such they are hard to discern what they are or look like. Examples could be: running/flowing water, quick moving insects or animals, fan blades, falling objects, etc. Get ready to use fast shutter speeds, flash units and any tricks that may slow down subjects. Insects do fine chilled in a refrigerator (not the freezer) so they slow down. But, some subjects just might lend themselves perfectly to some time in the freezer.


**ADDED This Months Seminar/Tutorial: "Stop The Insanity, myths, legends and rules(?) to break"  As many of you know I tend to share different views than what might be mainstream. The purpose being not to debate the merits, but rather simplify the mechanical act of taking the picture so you can concentrate on composition, capturing your vision, etc.  Kinda like driving a clutch vs automatic.

We'll talk about things such as (and explain why the difference in opinions):

A) You have to shoot in manual mode, nah.. I don't agree with that, only certain times it holds an advantage with today's cameras.

B) If you ain't shooting in RAW you ain't Sh__ (hey, that's "shooting".. got,ya!).  Well, there are quite a few professional photographers making a living shooting jpgs, even fine art guys.  And I personally know the manager of one of the worlds most respected printing firms shoots jpgs himself (at this moment I need to get permission to quote him directly and share his name, he is unavailable for a few weeks).

C) Colorspaces: You gotta use Adobe98 or even better Prophoto.  Seems sRGB is just fine and used in ALL digital movies, tv shows, etc.  Yep, when you watch an IMAX, or BlueRay disc it's sRGB.  Why do they if sRGB is so bad?

D) A recent photo magazine publication listed about ten items similar to the above disputing much of the common "good advice".  I'll go over them with you as well.

F) And my favorite one, when you get your first camera and want to shoot people: Don't shoot with the sun to your back, don't shoot with the sun behind them, don't shoot ____, don't shoot___.  Seems unless you're the member of the photographers secret society if you take a picture of a person you're breaking the rules LOL.  I'll explain the method behind these "rules".


For more details, see the full listing:

When: Saturday, August 11,[masked]:00 AM

Where: Trinity Presbyterian Church
400 E. University
Tucson, AZ 85705

This Meetup repeats on the 2nd Saturday of every month.

If the changes affect your plans to attend, please take a moment to update your RSVP. (You can RSVP "No" or "Yes".)

You can always get in touch with me through my group profile on Meetup.

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