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Our fundraiser last night and upcoming meetups

From: Gram
Sent on: Friday, September 30, 2011, 1:31 PM

Hi, all!


I just wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone who came out last night to our fundraiser meetup. Including a great contribution from our newest sponsor, Chris Hanson, of NE Community Chiropractic, we met our goal! Our meetup dues are covered for the next year!


If you missed out on the fundraiser this time, don't worry, we'll end up having another one next year. ;-)


Sean and I are also discussing having a very laid back sort of comp that will take place over a couple weeks, will depend on the honor system, and will have a full payout of cash and/or prizes. We'll let you know the full details once they're finalized.


We're also very excited about the new VE Minneapolis opening on November 12th! I believe we already have a meetup scheduled for this, and I will be there. Despite the fact that it's going to be a madhouse!!


Thanks again, everyone, for pitching in and helping us cover costs on this! We were actually over by 6 bucks, so Sean and I are gonna go share a beer.


See you on the walls!


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