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New Meetup: Climbing Mondays!

From: Ariel
Sent on: Saturday, January 31, 2009, 4:11 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Twin Cities Rock Climbing Meetup Group!

What: Climbing Mondays!

When: February 2,[masked]:30 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: Hello Climbers,

Welcome to Climbing Mondays! Since Climbing Thursdays have been going so well, I thought it would be nice to have another day for people that can't make Thursdays or want an additional day.

Let's meet at the front desk at around 6:30pm and we can partner up for some climbing fun! If you're going to arrive a bit later, please check out the photos of the folks who've RSVP'd "yes" to the meetup, and look for a familiar face in the gym. The staff at VE are getting to know us as regulars, so they'll probably be able to point out some of us to you as well.

Our goal for these meetups is to meet really cool people, to get our bodies used to regular climbing, to improve all of our technical skills and confidence, and to prepare for outdoor day/weekend trips. If you have any ideas of trips you'd like to help us plan, please email me.

Climb On!

p.s. I won't be there on this day, but I hope some of the regulars will still try to meet up with each other.

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