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What we’re about

Are you looking for a group to freely discuss, learn and debate about progressive ideas and current developments? Whether its politics or the media, works of literary significance or art, social engineering or pop-culture, evolutionary psychology or bio-ethics, astronomy or quantum physics, ancient history or cultural anthropology, philosophy and logic, skepticism of the supernatural, or just plain vent about existing human institutions that keep our species from realizing its greater collective future potential.

The purpose of this group was to create that kind of intellectual space. One doesn't need to be a polymath (an aspiring Philomath would be more important); only someone who possesses an insatiable streak of inquisitiveness and love for knowledge, along with the honest ability to subject oneself to new ideas, criticism & evaluation. The primary objective of such gatherings will be to share, educate, and inspire each other. It doesn't matter what age, sex, tribe nor genetic disposition you are, just be in possession of a clinically functioning brain.