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Vietnam Summer Festival, Saturday 14th July 2012, at Spitalfields

From: San
Sent on: Wednesday, June 20, 2012, 2:34 AM

This may well be of interest to some of you!


The Vietnam Summer Festival, a first of its kind in the UK, will take place on the 14th July (Saturday) right in the heart of London at the world renowned Spitalfields Market (nearest tube station is Liverpool Street). The Vietnam Summer Festival is a cultural festival and will celebrate all . As a visitor to the Festival, you will be treated to an unprecedented experience – a celebration of tastes, colours and discoveries.

Gastronomes can stroll through over 30 food stalls and sample the best of Vietnam’s exotic cuisine prepared by famous Vietnamese restaurants across London. You will have a chance to discover the different culinary traditions of the Northern, Central and the Southern regions of the country and even learn how to make mouth watering dishes of your own with our talented chefs.

Take your time when visiting the many stalls dedicated to Vietnamese arts and crafts, admire many well-made products on offer and take some home with you. There will be immersing live music and dance performances and an art exhibition. An interactive activity area awaits those keen to complete in a range of traditional games and a chance to win attractive prizes.


The event commences at 11 am and ends at 5 pm. For more information please see

