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Malaysia Hari Merdeka

From: San
Sent on: Sunday, June 9, 2013, 11:46 AM

I would like to organise a celebration lunch to mark Malaysia Hari Merdeka (probably on 31 August itself, or the week after, which will be 7th September, if the Malaysian High Commission will be organising an event that day, so as to avoid a clash). Can anyone of you advise me if there will be such an event and when and where it will be held? Not being Malaysian, I do not receive messages or bulletins from the MHC.

Previous attempts to hold lunches on this occasion have not been well supported, so I would like to know from the membership if they are keen on the idea. I would also like to know which of the following venues would be most popular with you all.

1.Pak Awie, Paddington

2. Satay House, Edgware Road/Paddington

3. Rasa Sayang, Soho

Also, as I shall not be in the UK between mid-August and mid-September, I need someone to act as Event Host(ess). I shall set up the event and the menu with the chosen venue, so your responsibility would be simply to turn up, check attendance and make sure everyone pays!

I hope to hear from at least some of you on this. If I do not get a significant response, I shall assume you all are not interested, and will not proceed with the idea.



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