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Submissions Now Open for 2014 UXPA Conference!

From: Michelle C.
Sent on: Saturday, January 18, 2014, 11:27 PM

Hello all,

This year's UXPA conference will take place in London, UK – July 21-24. We'd like to invite you to consider submitting to the conference before the deadline of January 31, 2014This year's theme is Motivation and I know you all must have something to say about it.

Our fellow member, Alberta Soranzo, will be chairing the Career Development topic track, but there are many other topics to choose from.

If a trip to London is not in the cards, please consider joining the reviewing team by creating an account – the reviewing period is February 10-24 and if you could spare a couple of hours during that time, we would all be exceedingly grateful.

Thank you on behalf of the entire organizing committee of UXPA 2014, and please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions!

Michelle Chin

Director of Marketing, UXPA LA

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