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Re: [UHA-Dog-Rescue] In need of temporary foster - 2 weeks max

From: Tammy Y.
Sent on: Tuesday, October 4, 2011, 9:42 AM
Hi Anna,

Left you a voicemail.
I can foster Shaggy for two weeks.
I live in Walnut.
Give me a call if you still need a foster and let me know what I need to do ( first time!).


Sent from my iPad

On Oct 3, 2011, at 10:33 PM, Anna Garrison <[address removed]> wrote:

I am in need of a temporary foster for a 1 year old Wheaten terrier mix pup (Shaggy A[masked] from the Baldwin Park networking list) - this would be until his transport, which will be sometime around the 15th or 16th of October, possibly even sooner.

I had a foster lined up originally, but it is possible that it may not work out (I will know this information tomorrow). If it doesn't work out, I'd like to have a backup foster handy.

I live in Azusa - please call me at[masked] or email me at [address removed] if you'd like to help or need any more information.

Thanks so much!


Anna V. Garrison

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